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PlayMais is an all natural crafting toy that is 100% biodegradable and doesn't impact the environment. It's made from corn grits and water, and colored with food coloring

PlayMais sticks by just getting it a little damp with water
PlayMais is easy to shape with your fingers
PlayMais promotes fine motor skills
PlayMais promotes creativity
PlayMais aids in the development of children
PlayMais high in educational value
PlayMais is a natural product that's easy on the environment
PlayMais - it's just fun
Dampen, Stick it together, Shape it
PlayMais® is easy to form in any way imaginable; just cut, roll and squeeze. Making it damp with a little water will not only let it stick to each other but to a wide variety of surfaces like paper, cardboard, glass and flower pots.

PlayMais prides itself in continuing to defy all global trends by developing and manufacturing PlayMais in Germany. A rarity when taking a look at the toys available on the market. For PlayMais environmentally friendly isn't just a theory, as we trend set the standards for intelligent use of our planet's resources.

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